In addition to seeing notifications in LabArchives,users can receive notifications via email. Notebook owners can also specify if the content of the notification should be included in the notification email. Users can be notified via email when a comment is made on an entry they have created, edited, commented on, or if they were mentioned in a comment. To learn about commenting and mentions Click Here. Users can also be notified if a page witnessing change was made. To learn more about page witnessing, Click Here.
How to turn on notification emails
1. Click on your name in the top right corner
2. Click on User Properties and select the “Notifications” Tab
3. Check the boxes under “Notify me when” to receive email notifications.
How to hide content from notification emails
Notebook Owners can choose whether the contents of a comment will be shown in the notification email. If you are concerned about private information or intellectual property being included in the notification email, we recommend you hide the content in the email. To do this, the Notebook Owner must click on the check mark next to “Show content from my notebooks in the notification”.
Note: Some institutions may not allow the contents of the comment to be included in the email on an institution-wide basis. In that case, the Notebook Owner will see this message:
Reply Via Email and View in LabArchives
If you receive an email about a comment made in the notebook, you have the option to Reply Via Email or View in LabArchives. Users can select “Reply Via Email” to reply to a comment from within their email account. Any text added above the !END message will be added to the comment thread. Users can select “View in LabArchives” to view the comment in the notebook.
Note: Instructors and TAs opening student notebooks will be redirected to the LabArchives Assignment Navigator.
If the content is hidden from emails, the user will not have the Reply Via Email option.