Collaboration with entry locking
When a user edits an entry on a shared page, the entry will lock to indicate that a user is working on that entry. The collaboration feature is available for Rich Text Entries, Plain Text Entries, Headings, Sketches, and Widgets.
When users view a page the locked entry will appear like the image below, and the phrase “Currently being edited by” will appear at the top of the entry. If a user has editing rights, they will be able to edit the other entries on this page.
When a page is locked, users will not be able to access the entry toolbar
Activity Indication
The three dots next to the user's name will pulse while the user is typing. If the user is not actively typing, the three dots will not pulse. Users viewing the page will be able to see live edits made to the entry.
When the user selects “Save to Page” or “Cancel”, the lock will be removed and all users will be able to interact with the entry.
Save after Inactivity
If a user has the entry in edit mode and does not make any changes for more than 10 minutes, a warning message like the one below will appear. All edits made until that point will be saved and the entry will unlock. LabArchives Automatically saves your work after 5 seconds of inactivity.
If a user leaves the page without clicking “Save to page” or “Cancel” the entry will continue to show that the entry is locked for several minutes. Any edits made up until that point will be saved.