Group Permissions
To grant all members of a Group access to one or more specific resources, click “Change” under the Permissions column. For each resource, you can specify that the group’s access as None (they will not see the resource at all), Full Access (ability to reserve), or View Only (they can view the resource(s), but cannot reserve them).
To quickly assign the same Permissions to a single group for all Resources, click one of the blue links (None, Full Access, or View Only) at the top of the Permissions window.
Group Roles
It is possible to grant members of a Group some or all Administrative privileges by granting one or more Roles to that group. To do this, click on “Change” in the Group Roles column.
Group Admin: Anyone with the Group Admin privilege only will see the “Responsibilities” dropdown at the top of their LabArchives Scheduler screen.
This dropdown will give them the ability to add new Users and Groups using all the features described above. Group Admins can also browse through all Group Wide reservations (for groups they control) via the “Group Reservations” option. Finally, Group Admins can generate Reports and send Announcements to other members of the Organization.
A Group Admin will become the Administrator of any Group they create. However, for a Group Admin to control any group that existed before they were given this Role, their Group Admin group will have to be added manually as the Administrator of these pre-existing groups. This can be done by the App Administrator under Application Management–> Groups, under the Group Administrator column. Click “Choose” under this column and select the appropriate group from the drop-down in the window to assign new Group Admins to pre-existing groups.
Application Admin: The Application Admin role has full administrative privileges. Anyone this role will see the Application Management drop down at the top of their LabArchives Scheduler screen.
This drop down gives them the ability to add and configure Users, Groups, Resources, and Schedules. App Admins also have the ability to send Announcements, set up Blackout times, and access the Application Configuration screen (white gear icon in the upper right corner).
Note that, when you personally create an account in LabArchives Scheduler (without being added or invited to a pre-existing Organization, you become the App Admin for your own Organization. If this is not what you wanted, and your account needs to be moved to a pre-existing Organization, please contact Support at
Resource Admin: Anyone with the Resource Admin only will see the “Responsibilities” drop down at the top of their LabArchives Scheduler screen.
This drop down gives the Resource Admin the ability to create and configure Resources. Resource Admins can also browse through the reservations for specific resources (for resources they control) via the “Resource Reservations” option. Finally, Resource Admins can generate Reports and send Announcements to other members of the Organization.
A Resource Admin will become the Administrator of any Resource they create. However, for a Resource Admin to control any Resource that existed before they were given this Role, their Resource Admin group will have to be added manually as the Administrator of these pre-existing Resources. This can be by the App Admin via Application Management –> Resources. A Resource Admin can be assigned to resources individually in the Resource Administrator field for a given resource, as shown in the screenshot below:
The Resource Admin can be added to pre-existing resources in Bulk using the Bulk Resource Update option. The Resource Administrator field in the Bulk Resource Update form can be seen in the below screenshot:
Schedule Admin: Anyone with the Schedule Admin only will see the “Responsibilities” drop down at the top of their LabArchives Scheduler screen.
This drop down gives the Schedule Admin the ability to create and configure Schedules. Schedule Admins can also browse through the reservations on specific Schedules (for Schedules they control) via the “Schedule Reservations” option. Finally, Schedule Admins can generate Reports, create Blackout times, and send Announcements to other members of the Organization.
A Schedule Admin will become the Administrator of any Schedule they create. However, for a Schedule Admin to control any Schedule that existed before they were given this Role, their Schedule Admin group will have to be added manually as the Administrator of these pre-existing Schedules. This can be by the App Admin via Application Management –> Schedules. A Schedule Admin can be assigned to Schedules individually in the Schedule Administrator field, as shown below.