In LabArchives, Custom Attributes allow for Administrators to introduce non-standard fields for reservations, users, resource, or resource types. To access the Custom Attributes screen, select Application Management and click on Custom Attributes.
In the Custom Attributes screen, admins can choose to add a Custom Attribute to four parameters of Scheduler. To select from the four locations to add the attribute, click on the dropdown menu below Category, make your selection, then click Add an Attribute.
In the Add an Attribute window, complete the fields and click on the green Add button.
Below are some key terms used when creating Custom Attributes:
Type: The kind of response field you’re creating. Users may select Single Line Textbox, Multiple Line Checkbox, Select List, Checkbox, or Date Time.
Display Label: The phrase that appears on the screen to represent your field.
Validation Expression: Validation Expression is used to control what an end user can enter under a Custom Attribute field. Written in regex, an example of how Validation Expression may be used is for a Custom Attribute field titled “Employee ID”. With the use of Validation Expression, you can set “Employee ID” to only accept entries of five integers.
Other uses of Validation Expression are:
- Setting a minimum or maximum number of characters allowed for the entry
- Phone number including the area code and dashes
- Only allowing integers or alphanumeric phrases
For more information on regex:
Sort Order: When multiple attributes apply to a screen, sort order defines the order in which they appear.
Applies To: Allows admins to determine which user this Custom Attribute will appear for.
Required: Requires the field to be completed before the item can be updated.
Is Admin Only: Custom Attribute Only appears for Admin users.