Increasingly, funding agencies (NSF, NIH, RCUK, ERC, etc.) require grant recipients to present a data plan and to publicly share portions of their project's data. As a LabArchives user, you have several easy - and free - ways to help you comply.
Figshare is dedicated to changing the face of academic publishing by improving the dissemination and discoverability of scholarly content. Figshare has been serving the research community for over a decade, with a commitment to making research outputs of all types findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). In addition to being available for individual users at no charge, it has been adopted by many institutions as their institutional repository, allowing them to share, showcase and manage all of their student's research openly. Users can upload over 1200 different file types and the repository is complete with in-browser previewing abilities as well as usage metrics, citations and Altmetric Attention data.
How to Export to Figshare:
In order to export to Figshare, a user must be logged into Figshare before exporting content from their ELN. To create your account and check to see if your institution has a license to Figshare, click here.
To export content to Figshare:
1. In the Notebook Navigator panel, right-click on the entry, page, folder, or notebook you would like to export and select Share. If you wish to export a single entry, locate the entry, click on its triple-dot icon, then select Share. For more information on Sharing content in LabArchives, click here.
2. Select the Publish Data tab
3. Next select Export to Figshare and click continue
4. Authentication between Figshare and LabArchives needs to be completed before data can be uploaded. Login to your Figshare account in a separate tab.
5. Click on the allow access button on the pop-up.
6. On the next screen, select your account.
7. Then select allow to complete the authentication process.
8. On the next screen you can enter in co-authors, a title and description before uploading.
9. A green banner will appear at the top of the screen once the upload is complete.
NOTE: Your institution may prevent exporting to Figshare.
To learn more about other ways to share your notebook with a DOI, click here.