Increasingly, funding agencies (NSF, NIH, RCUK, ERC, etc.) require grant recipients to present a data plan and to publicly share portions of their project's data. As a LabArchives user, you have several easy - and free - ways to help you comply.
Share URLs
A useful way to reference a notebook, folder, page or entry to another user is to use a URL. This URL will direct users with access to specific content in your notebook for easier communication and reference.
To obtain a Share URL for specific content in your notebook, right-click that item in the Notebook Navigator and click "Share". To share a single entry, hover your mouse over the entry and select the share icon. On the “URL to Share” tab you will see a link to this content. You can copy and paste this link to share it with others. Anyone with access to this part of the notebook can follow this link to view the notebook.
If the link does not work for the user, you can provide them access to the notebook. Click here to learn more.
Sharing Your Data Publicly
If you select “Allow anyone to view. Publicly accessible to anyone on the internet” anyone with access to this link will be able to access this data.
Note: Your institution may prevent you from sharing data publicly.
As a rule, the recipient of the link will be able to navigate at that level and below in your notebook. For example, if you share a link to a folder, they would be able to access everything in that folder.