In LabArchives, groups are used to assign access to multiple individuals at once and to grant admin rights. If someone is helping you setup LabArchives Scheduler, it’s recommended to setup groups first.
To add users to your organization, click on “Application Management” (or “Responsibilities” if you are a Group Admin) from the top menu bar and select “Groups” as shown below.
Create a Group
- Provide a name for the group
- If new users should be automatically added to this group, click the checkbox
- Click “add”
Once your group is created, it will appear in the table below. Under the Actions column of this table, you can change the group name via the pencil icon, or delete the group via the red trashcan icon.
Add Group Members
To add Group Members to your group, click Manage under the “Group Members” column.
In the window that appears, you can find specific users and add them to the group quickly by typing out their name or email address. Alternatively, you can browse through all users in your Organization and add them to the Group from this list by clicking “Browse,” as shown below.