Enterprise License Site Administration
An Enterprise License to LabArchives includes a multitude of benefits and features
exclusively provided to this notable group of customers. Experience a seamless
transition to LabArchives with a dedicated Enterprise Success team, backed by
exceptional customer support to assist you every step of the way. We do the heavy
lifting, giving you proven guidance on user onboarding, teaming up with your
administrators and systems managers, and delivering continuous user support at all
levels of your organization. Our goal is to simplify this process for you, while also
making sure that you have easy access to all the support and resources you need to
reach your adoption goals.
The Enterprise License Site Administration Portal (we like to call it ELSA for short) is
where the Enterprise Success team can share the knowledge and experience we've
acquired through the implementation and support of over 300 global enterprise licenses.
This portal delivers that wealth of information to your fingertips in an easy to navigate
online format.
What does ELSA include?
Implementation guides and roll out plans
Guidance on establishing data management policies
Best practices and tips on building usage and adoption
User onboarding resources
Site Administrator Tool guide
Detailed coverage of all the benefits and features available to Enterprise Licenses
How do you get access to ELSA?
ELSA is only available to LabArchives Enterprise Site Administrators. To request
access, please email our technical support team at support@labarchives.com. Once the
request is approved, access details will be provided.