To maximize the accessibility features of LabArchives, we have the following recommendations.
Recommended Browsers
- Firefox on Windows
- Safari on Mac
Navigation tips for Select Entry Types
Plain Text
When you click on the Plain Text entry from the entry menu, the focus will go to the plain text area. Shift+Tab will take you out of edit to Cancel and then Shift+Tab again to the Save to Page button. You must click on (or activate with Enter or Space) Save to Page to save changes to the entry.
Rich Text Entry
When a Rich Text Entry is in edit mode, the cursor will go immediately to the text area.
- Alt+0 (zero) will bring up a help dialog explaining the accessibility features of the rich text editor (dismiss the help with Esc or clicking Cancel). Note – this feature is only available on the old rich text editor.
- Alt+F10 will switch focus from the text area to the toolbar. The toolbar is composed of several toolbar groups.
- Right Arrow and Left Arrow will move between individual buttons within a given toolbar group, and hitting tab cycles through the available toolbar groups.
- Enter and Space both works to activate an individual button on the toolbar.
- Escputs the focus back to the editing area without executing any toolbar function.
- Shift+Tab will take you out of the text edit area to the Cancel and Save to Page buttons. Once outside of the text edit area, press “Tab” to cycle forward through options or “Shift+Tab” cycle backwards.
When a Heading Entry is in edit mode, the cursor will go immediately to the heading edit box; you can enter and change text until you get the heading as you want it. When you are done editing a heading, use Shift+Tab to exit the edit field to select Cancel or Save to Page buttons.
Third-Party Tool Exceptions
LabArchives integrates with tools that are owned and developed by other parties. Therefore, we cannot control the accessibility features of those tools. Such tools that are known exceptions to accessibility compliance:
- Chem Doodle (Chemical Sketch)
LabArchives Accessibility Conformance Report or VPAT® Version 2.3 (Revised) – April 2019
LabArchives Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) explains how LabArchives' Research Notebook Platform conforms to the Revised 508 Standards for IT accessibility. VPATs help Federal agency contracting officials and government buyers to assess Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for accessibility when doing market research and evaluating proposals.