This article explains the Advanced search feature, for an article explaining Basic Search go here.
The Advanced Search feature on LabArchives allows you to run a more detailed search of a Notebook, utilizing various filters to hone in on the content you wish to find. This feature allows you to limit results based on the name of the person(s) who created an entry, the type of entry, when it was created, tags, and more. You can limit your search to page titles, folders, and even a selected page.
To use Advanced Search for an entire Notebook, select the Notebook you wish to search from the Notebook Navigator, and then click on the down triangle in the search box at the top of the page to open up the Advanced Search.
Advanced Search will search the entire Notebook in view by default.
If you would like learn how to limit your search to a specific folder or page in your Notebook, click here.
Advanced Search Filters:
Click in the Users field to see the names of contributors to the current content of the Notebook. Each name you see in the list has at least one current entry in the Notebook, even if that person no longer has access to the Notebook.
If you have added tags to any of the entries in your Notebook via the Edit Tags feature, you can click in this field to limit your results to the selected tags. You can add multiple tags and can remove a selected tag from the search by clicking the “X.”
Entry Types:
Entry Types are listed beginning with the most frequently occurring entry. You can select multiple entry types and remove them easily.
Page Title:
Limit your search to the titles of pages in your Notebook. You can use Boolean search operators such as and, or, not, as well as using quotation marks for an exact search.
Contains Words:
Enter the search term(s) to find entries in this field. Use Boolean search operators when your search query includes multiple terms.
Doesn’t Contain Words:
You can enter a search term or multiple terms that you want to exclude from the results set. This can be particularly helpful when combined with Page Title and/or Contains Words search queries. You can enter multiple terms with Boolean operators as described above.
Entries After/Before Date Fields:
Enter a date in either (or both) the After or Before fields following the specified format (mm/dd/yyyy) or select from the calendar tool that appears when you click in either date field.
Viewing and Sorting Your Search Results:
Search results are displayed in Relevancy order based on your search query with 25 entries per page.
You can use the paging links to move through the pages of results and jump to the first or last pages.
Sort your options by selecting from the “Sort by” menu:
After running a search, you can click to open the Advanced Search box and modify the selections and entries to further adjust the search query and, ultimately, the results.
Chemical Structure and Substructure Searching:
LabArchives gives you the ability to search for chemical structures that are in your Notebook. This feature will allow you to search exact chemical structures and substructures by drawing the molecule (using the button) or search in terms of SMILES. To learn more about the feature, please click here.
Search Multiple Notebooks at Once:
This feature also includes an option that allows you to search across multiple Notebooks at once. You have the option to search across all Notebooks or to select specific Notebook(s).
To search across all the Notebooks you own or have access to, select ‘All Notebooks’. To search selected Notebooks rather than all of them, scroll down to see all searchable Notebooks below ‘Selected Notebooks’ and check all the Notebooks you want to search, as shown below:
After entering in the details in your query, to execute the search, click the ‘Search’ button at the bottom right of the Advanced Search window. When this happens, you will see all your Notebooks (or the selected Notebooks) returned on the left-hand side of the screen, under the “Search Results” folder, as shown below:
The numbers at the end of each listed Notebook indicate the number of hits your query returned for that particular Notebook. When you click any one of these Notebook, you will see the entries from the selected Notebook that match your query. Just as with all searches, the matching search terms or selected content will be highlighted whenever possible.
Also, notice in the screenshot above the page links (in red boxes) and the “Sort By“ drop-down menu at the top of the page. Each item on the search result page comes with its own page link. When clicked, this link takes you (in a new tab) to the page on which the entry matching your query resides.
The “Sort By” drop-down menu allows you to select the order in which you want your matching queries to appear. The default selection is “Relevancy”, but the drop-down also includes the options “Newest to Oldest”, “Oldest to Newest”, “User A-Z”, and “User Z-A”.
Stop Words are words which do not contain important significance to be used in Search Queries. Usually, these words are filtered out from search queries because they return a vast amount of unnecessary information. For more information on Stop Words CLICK HERE.
Important Tips:
- As with simple search, Advanced Search is searching the current version of each entry only, not deleted or prior versions of a current entry.
- Users will not see entries that they do not have the rights to view. Therefore, they may run a search on a tag or name of a contributor in the Users field and receive no results.
- The search logic is as follows:(All Entries and (contains_words or tags or page_title)) and (users) and (modified_on_or_after) and (modified_on_or_before) and entry_types) and (NOT does_not_contain_words) and (In specified folder)