LabArchives offers the ability to arrange multiple Users into Groups with custom permissions. This allows managing access privileges for a large group rather than on an individual basis.
How to create a Group
You can create a group and manager your group(s) in our Group Management settings. To access this feature, click the triple bar icon in the top right and select "Notebook Settings".
On the "Group Management" tab, click the New Group icon (). Give your group a name and description, then click on “Add Group”
Note: The Full Access Group is a default group for users that have access to edit the entire notebook. Whenever you add someone as a User or Administrator to the notebook via Account Manager or via Notebook User Management, the person is added automatically to the Full Access Group, but can be removed if necessary.
How to Add Users to your Group
You can add users to the group in the User Management Settings. All group members will need to be added to your notebook before they are assigned to a group (learn how you can add users to a notebook Here).
Note: Guests cannot be part of a group.
Click on the pencil next to the user’s name, and a small window will appear with all your groups. Select the group for the user to be a part of and deselect the Full Access Group.
Note: All group members will have the same access rights.
How to Give a Group Custom Permissions
On the "Groups or People with Access tab of a page, folder or entry, adjust the groups access on the access on the "Rights" column. For more information on sharing data, Click Here.
It's important to know that, when creating groups, you cannot apply less inclusive rights to a specific member of the group.
This means that if I give a group read privileges, but I want a specific member of the group to have no rights, I will not be able to arrange this. However, I can give this group member edit rights. The more inclusive rights win over the less inclusive rights.
How to Remove a Single Member from the Full Access Group or a Custom Group
1. On the User Management Tab, find the user's name and click the pencil under the "Group Membership" column.
2. Un-check the Full Access Group or custom group checkbox.
3. This person will no longer have access to anything in your notebook. You must now grant them rights to selected items in the notebook.
4. Go to the notebook hierarchy under Notebook Navigator.
5. Grant the user "Can Edit" or "Can View" rights to folders, pages, or entries depending on how restrictive you want the access to be.