To grade your students’ work, open the Course Manager, then select Open Assignment Navigator on the top-right of the Students tab. You will now be able to grade your students’ assignments. Click here for more information on Group Grading.
The LabArchives Assignment Navigator
At the top of a student’s notebook, you will see the Assignment navigation tool. This allows you to switch between students in a specific course and section (if applicable) for a specific assignment. You can also view different assignments within a course for any given student.
When you navigate to an assignment to be graded, you will see the Assignment Entry:
Student names: This field allows you to navigate student notebooks in your course. You can click on the next or previous buttons (students are listed in alphabetical order) or you can click on the drop-down arrow to see a list of all the students in the course or in a specific section, if applicable.
Go to assignment: This drop-down list allows you to select an assignment for a specific course for a selected student. This allows you to remain in the same assignment when toggling among your students.
Assignment Status: After selecting an assignment in the “Go to Assignment” filter, you can filter by different assignment statuses: Assigned to Student, Submitted to Instructor, and Graded. The Submitted to Instructor option will show all students’ submitted assignments for grading. Once you grade a student’s assignment, they will no longer appear on the list.
Course: If you have more than one course, you can switch to another course which will change the list of students, sections, and assignments that can be viewed within the Assignment Navigator.
Section: This allows you to view students in All sections, No sections, or in specific sections for your course. This field will not display if you do not create sections for your course. TAs will see My Section when they are assigned to a section of the course by default.
Input a Grade, then click
Click if you want to send the assignment back to the student for editing. The assignment entry then will revert to its assigned status. However, if you have already graded the assignment, click on the pencil icon to access the “Re-assign to Student” option.
Grading Group Assignments
When students submit a group assignment, they will indicate their group members on the I worked in a group with line. Group members will also select location for the work using The work for this assignment is in line. To navigate to another student, click on the name of the student in the I worked in a group with field.
Note: Each student must self-select their group members.
To assign a grade to one student, navigate to one student in the group, put in a value in the Grade field and click
To apply the same grade to the entire group, click
If you have previously assigned a grade to other students in the group, you will receive the following message:
If you want all group members to have the same grade, click Overwrite. if not, click Cancel.
When you select Assign Grade to Group or Overwrite, you will see that grade was successfully assigned to the group.
All grades will be recorded in the LabArchives’ gradebook.
Viewing Grades
You can access student grades in the Course Manager, under the Grades tab. Grades can be exported to a CSV or PDF file.