Dec 16
- Mp4 files can be streamed directly from ELN instead of having to be downloaded first. This new functionality applies to Mp4 files of all sizes.
Nov 11 2021
- PubMed entry updated to be responsive and natively accessble.
- Site Reports API expanded to include ability to obtain information on notebook members and notebook settings.
Sept 30 2021
- Enterprise sites can enable the addition of non-editable, unique, searchable page IDs for all the notebooks at their site. Sites can specify a unique 10-character prefix that will be used in conjunction with an auto-generated integer.
Sept 23 2021
- Enterprise sites can have a site-specific message displayed within the ELN.
Sept 9 2021
- Enabled single tap to open comments and improved display of the collaboration message on Android mobile device.
Aug 26 2021
- Plain text editor was updated to adapt to mobile devices and be natively accessible. New preview and editing tools are available when Markdown has been enabled.
- New enterprise API options added that allow access to reports and the ability to add external IDs to notebooks.
Aug 24 2021
- Page signing and witnessing dialog updated to be natively accessible and .
- New enterprise API options added that allow access to reports and the ability to add external IDs to notebooks.
Jul 29 2021
- Notebook owners can add a description to the notebook Dashboard to add searchable meta data that can complement the notebook name. The description can be viewed by members of the notebook, but the description can only be edited by the Owner.
- New enterprise API options added that allow access to reports and the ability to add external IDs to notebooks.
Jul 22 2021
- Released updated Assignment entry with an updated look that is responsive across all devices and is natively accessible. Instructors have a new option to designate an assignment as a group assignment, but all other features have been preserved. Students will find that in addition to the more modern, cleaner look, we added a few confirmation pop-ups to streamline and clarify the workflow.
- New Android Mobile App for the ELN is now available. We released new Android Mobile apps based on regions where users have their LabArchives ELN accounts: LabArchives ELN for US and the Rest of the World, LabArchives ELN for UK, and LabArchives ELN for Australia. All three apps can be downloaded for free from the Google Play store. User can now use LabArchives ELN via the Android App or from the browser on their Android device. Users can take advantage of all the features unique to mobile devices such as dictating text entries with voice-to-text, adding photos and videos to the notebook and sharing files from other apps to the ELN app.
- Addressed issues with the recently-updated Signing and Witnessing feature that impacted the display of the sign icon in the notebook tree and notices in the signing workflow for SSO users.
Jul 8 2021
- The new Rich Text editor is now available for all users. Existing entries can be edited using the old editor. The new Rich Text editor includes image annotation tools and expands the size of embedded images up to 10MB. It includes improved, mobile-friendly controls for tables, text, equations, and more.
- Page Signing and Witnessing was updated with a new look and an adaptive design for optimal display and use across all devices.
Jun 24 2021
- LabArchives introduces new Knowledgebase home that connects to other user resources such as our Blog, Forums, and other tools and information.
Jun 17 2021
- Share dialog box is updated with new look to improve workflow, manage access, and for responsive behavior across devices.
Jun 10 2021
- Institutions with an enterprise license now have access to a Site Reports API to easily access and integration usage data with internal reports and systems.
- Update new Rich Text editor with improvements to address formatting of bulleted lists and better table handling.
May 27 2021
- LabArchives API updated to allow notebook back-up without attachments.
- Security enhancements.
May 6 2021
- Rich Text editor enhancements and updates to handle updates to existing entries.
April 22 2021
- Security enhancements.
Mar 25 2021
- Notebook Settings redesigned for updated display and responsive functionality.
- New Rich Text Editor font defaults can be specified for each notebook in the Notebook Settings.
- Security enhancements.
Mar 4 2021
- Upgraded embedded image handling and annotation options in the new Rich Text editor.
- Security enhancements.
Feb 25 2021
- Security enhancements
Jan 21 2021
- New Rich Text editor menu bar now remains in view when user scrolls down through a long entries.
Jan 7 2021
- Improved workflow for students signing in through Single Sign-On to ensure they see their new course notebook first.
- Advanced search redesigned for responsive behavior and retains search parameters after running a search.