Lab Managers are able to customize the information shown on the Inventory page. Columns shown (such as Name, Location, Price, etc) can be rearranged, added, or removed. To customize the Inventory display, click the gear icon at the top of the page then select Display on the upper-right side of the screen.
Rearranging Columns
By default, selected columns are Name, Location, Inventory Type, Price, Quantity, Date Received, Use Now, Reorder. You can rearrange the order of any of these columns (except for Name) by dragging and dropping the column to the desired location. As you move the columns, the change is reflected in the Preview.
Deleting Columns
You can delete a column by clicking the ‘X’ next to the column name or by dragging and dropping to “Available Columns”. When a column is deleted, it is moved from Selected Columns to Available Columns. Every column except for Name can be deleted. As you delete columns, the change is reflected in the Preview.
Adding Columns
You can add any column from Available Columns to Selected Columns by clicking the plus sign next to a column name or by dragging and dropping to “Selected Columns”. As you add columns, the change is reflected in the Preview.
Once you are finished rearranging, adding, and deleting columns, click Update Display to save your changes. You can also restore the display options back to the default display by clicking Restore Default Display.
All your customizations will be reflected on the Inventory screen.