In LabArchives Inventory, storage locations can be noted as freezer boxes, which allow for a more in-depth storage process. Freezer boxes dimensions are customizable and can be allotted up to 50 columns and 50 rows. These unique storage locations also offer a visualization of its contents that depict a live and accurate count of your inventory on a more granular level. This visualization is accessible to all Inventory members, regardless of their role in your lab.
Visualizing a Freezer Box Storage Location
If you have a Freezer Box, you can view your Freezer Box’s contents through various screens in Inventory. In the Inventory screen, click on the ‘Browse Freezer Locations’ link located under the Locations filter and you’ll see a list of all Freezer Box storage locations.
Each of these Freezer Box hyperlinks shows a visualization of that Freezer Box and its current contents.
This Freezer Box visualization can also be accessed by clicking on the icon located next to the storage location column shown on the Inventory page.
Mobile users may find viewing the Freezer Box visualization difficult in portrait orientation, so landscape orientation is recommended instead.
Managing a Freezer Box Storage Location
Clicking on an occupied cell will provide a pop-up box with a link to that Inventory item’s page, its inventory type, and its quantity. It will also provide users with the options to Use, Move or Copy the item.
Clicking Use will open the Use pop-up box and will let users determine the usage in terms of how much, what unit of measurement, and which freezer box cells the usage originates from. This usage box operates identically to the one seen on the item’s page.
Using the Move button allows the user to choose a new cell for the item to be stored in. Currently, items can only be moved into cells are that not already occupied.
The Copy button acts similarly to the Move button, but instead, this duplicates the existing item into to an empty cell. This function is similar to the Duplicate this Item button on the item page, but this option will auto-complete the item’s storage location as well.
Selecting a vacant cell will bring a user to the Add New Inventory Item screen, where the storage location will auto-complete to the previously selected cell.