Oct 8 2020
- Added the option to select all cells in a row or all cells in a freezer box when adding an inventory item. Supports aliquot management.
Sept 11 2020
- Boolean search options added to the search field. Users can use NOT, OR, or AND or quoted searching to retrieve items in the inventory.
Aug 28 2020
- Improved handling of large spreadsheets when users are utilizing the import template to populate a new inventory.
Aug 7 2020
- Location information option added to the Settings tab which provides additional information about a lab’s location on campus.
Jul 30 2020
- Streamlined building out lab storage locations with the ability to duplicate a storage location and rename the top-level location.
- Administrators at organizations with an enterprise license to LabArchives Inventory have access to usage and inventory details reports.
- Link from Inventory to ELN added to the top navigation bar to easily jump between the two applications.
- Improved the workflow for updating new items created by an order request. Users are prompted to update the details and location information of the new inventory item.
Jul 17 2020
- User can now duplicate an Inventory Type to preserve all the customizations for a new type that has similar fields. Saves time when creating nuanced Inventory Types for a lab.
May 14 2020
- Introducing LabArchives Inventory! This new application builds efficiency when it comes to organizing, using, tracking, ordering inventory items. It is designed to simplify the process of finding and managing inventory items, while maintaining a rich history of reagents as well as lab-created items.