User Management allows you to add and manage users for the entire notebook. The Owner and Administrator (Account and Notebook) can access this feature. To access this feature, click the triple bar icon in the top right and select "Notebook Settings".
Click on the second tab, "User Management".
How to Add Users
At the top right-hand corner, click on the Add User Icon and simply enter the email for the person you wish to add to the notebook. Once you click on the Add User, you will see their name appear in the section below, where you can manage their role.To learn more about the roles a user can have, please Click Here.
How to Remove Users
In addition, you have the ability to remove users from your notebook. You can do this by finding the name of the person you want to remove from this notebook and then click on the trashcan icon.
Note: If a user has a pending witness, they cannot be removed from the notebook. For more information about witnessing, Click Here.
Other Tools
User Management also includes other tools to manage and grant privileges to other users:
- Allow a user signing rights.
- Allow witnessing rights.
- Manage group roles.
- Owners can transfer ownership of their notebooks.