Before you link your LabArchives assignment to Canvas, be sure you have at least one Assignment entry in your LabArchives Instructor course notebook. Click here to learn more about this.
When you add a new Assignment in Canvas, be sure to fill out all the information you need. Next, scroll to Submission Type. Click on the drop-down menu and select External Tool.
Click Find and a small pop-up window will appear.
Click LabArchives. (The name of your external tool may vary.) This will open a list of all the Assignment entries you have in your course. Check to be sure the correct course is selected before linking assignments. Choose the LabArchives Assignment you want to link.
Your LabArchives Assignment should have the same name in Canvas.
Note: If you do not see the assignments listed, double check the email address used for your Canvas and LabArchives account.
You also have the option to have LabArchives open up in a new tab by checking Load in a new tab. Once you are done, click Select, then save your assignment in Canvas.
Note: If the instructor creates a Canvas assignment with a deadline, and grades the assignment after its deadline, the gradebook will show that the assignment was submitted late.
Note: If you do not see the assignments listed, double check the email address used for your Canvas and LabArchives account. Additionally, ensure that the course notebook has been updated recently. To learn more about updating a course notebook, click here.