GraphPad Prism
Note: Recent changes performed by GraphPad have caused issues for some users attempting to log into LabArchives via the Prism integration. If you experience issues like these, please contact for direct assistance.
In addition, this integration is supported for GraphPad Prism v8.02 onwards. Go to to contact the GraphPad team for assistance with Prism.
GraphPad Prism has been integrated with LabArchives to enable users to access their LabArchives notebook directly from within Prism.
LabArchives users can perform the following actions with this integration:
- Save a new project from Prism into LabArchives
- Open a Prism project that has previously been saved in a LabArchives notebook
- Update a Prism project that has previously been saved in a LabArchives notebook, creating a new version of the existing entry in the notebook or a completely new entry as desired
To use this integration, you will need to:
- Complete any required steps to set up the integration between LabArchives and Prism
- Log into your LabArchives account from within the Prism application
Set up the integration between LabArchives and GraphPad Prism
Australian and New Zealand, UK and EU LabArchives users will need to complete the following steps to set up the integration:
- Create a configuration text file.
- Store the file in the appropriate location.
Full details are available in the following section:
Set up GraphPad Prism and LabArchives for Australian and New Zealand, UK and EU Users
US and rest of world LabArchives users will be able to use the integration between LabArchives and GraphPad Prism "out of the box" – there are no additional setup requirements.
Log in to your LabArchives account from within GraphPad Prism
LabArchives users whose institution has implemented Single Sign On authentication with LabArchives will use their email address and a password token to log in to their LabArchives account from within GraphPad Prism – not their Single Sign On credentials.
Full details are available here. - LabArchives users who log in to their account using a LabArchives username and password will use the same username and password to log in to their account from within GraphPad Prism
Users with an existing LabArchives account
- Open GraphPad Prism. In the Welcome to GraphPad Prism window, click LabArchives.
- Click Login to LabArchives.
- If you have a LabArchives username and password, enter these in the Username or Email and Password fields respectively.
If you use your institution's Single Sign On system to log into your LabArchives account, enter the email address associated with your LabArchives account in the Username or Email field and paste a Password Token into the Password field. - Optionally tick the Stay signed in checkbox. Doing so will avoid the need to re-login in future.
- Click Login.
Users without an existing LabArchives account
If you are a current Prism user who is new to LabArchives, and your institution does not have a LabArchives site license, you can create a free LabArchives account to use with Prism; click Try LabArchives Free.
If you do not yet have a LabArchives account, but your institution does have a LabArchives site license, we recommend that you create your LabArchives account using your institution's procedures before using the integration with GraphPad Prism.
Working with LabArchives within Prism
Once logged into an active LabArchives account, all notebooks associated with the account can be selected from the drop-down menu, shown below. Any GraphPad Prism files associated with the notebook will also be listed. You can open a selected GraphPad Prism file, edit it, and save it back to your notebook.
To open or save a file to LabArchives
To open or save a file click the LabArchives icon near the top right-hand corner of the program. You will have the option to save a file to LabArchives ("LabArchive it"), open a file from LabArchives, log out of LabArchives, or learn more about LabArchives.
Open a file from LabArchives
When you choose to open a Prism file that is located in your LabArchives notebook, you will be able to select from a list of recently saved files (if any) or alternatively, select the notebook containing the file and navigate to the page that it resides on. Click on the file to open it in Prism.
Save a file to LabArchives – first save
The first time you save a file from Prism to LabArchives, it will be sent to your LabArchives Inbox. Log in to LabArchives (via a web browser), then click the Inbox icon to see the file exported from Prism.
You can move a Prism file from your LabArchives Inbox to a page in your notebook. To do this, hover over the Prism file in your Inbox then click the triple dot menu. You will see the option to move the file to a page or delete the file from your Inbox. If you click ‘Move to page...’, you can select a page to move the file to.
Once the Prism file is located on a page in your notebook, you will be able to download it from the page to your computer. You can also use the integration to open the file within Graphpad Prism as described above.
Save a file to LabArchives – subsequent saves
After the initial save of the file to LabArchives, you will be presented with the ReLabArchive It screen which allows you to save your file in either of two ways:
- You can create a new file from an existing one by selecting the Archive to the inbox as a new file option. The new file will be sent to your LabArchives Inbox
- You can choose to Rearchive as an updated file. It may be useful to track any changes or keep additional information to the file by adding to the What changed and Description fields. This option will save the updated file as a new version of the existing attachment entry in your notebook, or in your Inbox, if the original file has not yet been moved to a notebook page.
Set up GraphPad Prism and LabArchives for Australian and New Zealand, UK and EU Users
Create a configuration file following the steps below. This file will be read when you open the Prism application, ensuring that you connect to your user account on your regional LabArchives server when you log in to your LabArchives account via Prism.
- Create a text file called labarchivesconfig.txt
- Paste the correct regional information into the file:
Australian and New Zealand users
ErrorConnecting=Prism cannot connect to the AU LabArchives instance
TryAccountBlurb=The institution has a site license for LabArchives, so the free trial is not available
UK users
ErrorConnecting=Prism cannot connect to the UK LabArchives instance
TryAccountBlurb=The institution has a site license for LabArchives, so the free trial is not available
EU users
ErrorConnecting=Prism cannot connect to the EU LabArchives instance
TryAccountBlurb=The institution has a site license for LabArchives, so the free trial is not available
3. Save the configuration file to the GraphPad Prism directory on your computer
For Windows users, the path is:
C:\Program Files\GraphPad\Prism [version number]
(e.g. C:\Program Files\GraphPad\Prism 9)
For Mac users, the path may vary:
Library/Application Support/GraphPad/Prism/Config
/Library/Application Support/GraphPad/Prism/[version number]
(e.g. /Library/Application Support/GraphPad/Prism/9)
/Library/Application Support/GraphPad/Prism
4. Restart the application.