LabArchives Inventory allows you to organize your inventory into types and assign attributes to those types. You can search, track, and manage specific details regarding similar inventory items with ease.
To access inventory types, click the Gear icon on the top left to open the Lab Management Menu. To access the lab management menu, you must have the role of Lab manager. Click here for more information on Roles.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Any changes you make to Inventory Types will be reflected in the Import Template used for importing items into your inventory. This is especially important when you are first getting started. Therefore, we recommend comparing your existing spreadsheets and the columns to the standard fields and special fields for specific Inventory Types that you have. Make the changes to the Inventory Types and their fields as needed, so that the Import Template will have the columns you need. Click here for more information on the Import Template.
As seen below, Inventory includes a default list of inventory types to help you get started.
You can edit an inventory type by clicking the pencil icon or delete an inventory type by clicking the trashcan icon.
Each inventory type can be customized to have a unique profile of Standard Fields and Custom Fields. The standard fields are displayed at the top of the Inventory Type screen, while any custom fields are listed below.
The default Inventory Types have fields set up for them already (with the exception of General). You can modify both the Standard Fields and Custom Fields for any existing Inventory Type. You can also assign a specific color to each Inventory Type.
Note: The General and Chemical inventory types cannot be deleted.
How to Create an Inventory Type
- Click +Add New Type at the top right.
Provide a name for the inventory type and click Add Inventory Type.
To create a new field, click +Add Field and input a label. To edit an existing field, click the pencil icon. To delete a field, click the trashcan icon.
Note: If you delete an attribute field for an Inventory Type, the information in that field will be deleted from all inventory items of that type. - Select a Format for the field. There are 7 different format options for an attribute field.
Customizing Standard Fields
All Inventory Types include the following set of Standard Fields:
- Name
- Quantity/Units
- Locations
- Description
- Vendor
- Catalog #
- Lot #
- Price
- Date Received
- Grant #
- PO #
- Expiration
- Safety Sheet
- notes
Users with the Lab Manager role can customize whether or not a Standard Field is displayed or required, but the fields themselves cannot be edited or deleted. Name and Quantity fields cannot be hidden and are always required.
Only selected Standard Fields will be displayed when users add or edit an item for an Inventory Type.
Creating Custom Fields
- To create a new custom field, click +Add Field and input a label. To edit an existing field, click the pencil icon. To delete a field, click the trashcan icon.
Note: If you delete an attribute field for an Inventory Type, the information in that field will be deleted from all inventory items of that type
- Select a Format for the field. There are 7 different format options for an attribute field.
Text (single-line) - This allows you to input a line of text.
Text (multi-line) – This allows you to enter multiple lines of text.
Dropdown – This will provide users with a dropdown list of options that can be selected. This allows you to control the options available from a specified list.
Checkbox - This allows you to click a checkbox from a list of choices. This also allows you to select multiple options.
Date - This allows you to select a date. Note that the date format will be presented based on your location as dd/mm/yyyy or YYYY/MM/DD.
Number – This allows you to input a line of numbers. User can enter integers (positive and negative) and rational numbers written as decimal notation (e.g., 1.35)
Radio - This allows you to select an option from an array of several choices.
Note: The Dropdown, Radio and Checkbox formats allow the user to select from a designated list of choices. For each choice that should be on the dropdown list, type into the “Options” field and click the plus con. To remove an option, click the trashcan icon.
Required Fields
If a standard or custom field is required, a user would see a message like the one below if the field is not completed.
When adding an inventory item, an Inventory Type is required. The default is the General type. Once you select an Inventory Type, the selected standard fields and custom fields will display on the “Details” section for the item.
Assigning a Color to Inventory Types
You have the option to assign a specific color for each Inventory Type. Notice the color circles under the Color column.
By default, no colors are assigned. To assign a color to a specific Inventory Type, click on the color circle for that Inventory Type. You will see the Inventory Type Color window appear where you can select a color. Click the plus sign for more color options.
Once a color has been assigned to an Inventory Type, you will be able to see this color reflected on the Inventory screen, the Orders screen, and the item detail page.