LabArchives Inventory allows you to standardize and customize Vendor information. You can include details to streamline ordering. Vendors can be added and updated manually, or they can be added when using the Inventory Import Template.
Note: Lab Members can add new vendors when adding items manually to a lab’s inventory. However, only users with the Lab Manager role can add vendors under in the Lab Management settings and via the Import Template. Click here for information on Roles.
To manage your list of Vendors, click the Gear icon on the top left to open the Lab Management Menu. To access the lab management menu, you must have the role of Lab manager.
Add or Edit a Vendor
To add a new vendor, click “Add New Vendor” on the top right. To edit an existing vendor, click the pencil icon and to delete a vendor click the trash can icon.
Note: Vendors cannot be deleted if it is tied to an inventory item.
Fill out each field and click “Add Vendor” or “Update Vendor” to save.
Name – This is the only required field. The Vendor name can be up to 255 characters in length and include special characters.
Website – Use this field to add the URL to the vendor’s website or order catalog.
Contact Information – You can add the name, email, telephone number and/or address of your vendor contact.
Notes – This text field allows you to make notes regarding anything from negotiated discounts, recommendations, shipping info, and so forth.
Add a new Vendor via Import
New inventory items can be added to LabArchives Inventory via the Inventory Import Template. Click here to learn more about the Import feature.
If a new vendor name is added to the "vendor” column on the template, the vendor will be added to the list of vendors automatically.
If you include the name of an existing vendor (spelled exactly like the current vendor), the inventory items will be tied to the existing vendor information. Note that this is not case-sensitive. Therefore, if you already have the vendor “Smith” and import an item with the vendor name “smith”, the imported item will be tied to the existing vendor “Smith”.